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V'ice Haiti is getting social on FB and Instagram!

Updated: Nov 22, 2019

One of the best parts of this organization is its people. From our hard-working micro-franchisees in Haiti to our volunteers in the US office, from the kids we serve every day to our dedicated and tireless management team, we experience the gift of their stories and their trust as we work together to grow V'ice Haiti.

Our new social media pages on Facebook and Instagram will share these stories to give you a glimpse at our progress, our setbacks, and above all, the smiles we love to see every day!

Most importantly, these stories are not our own. Our goal is that you will share them far and wide, raising awareness of Vi'ce Haiti and our efforts to reduce unemployment and poverty in Haiti.

Like and follow our FB and Instagram pages, and look for our share icons on every blog post.

We need generous donors like you! If you would like to donate or invest in the future of V'ice Haiti, go to

For more information on the V’ice Haiti micro-franchise social venture, go to

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